Forever's Realm: He's a fried of mine. Go check out his site it is
so awesome! he has lots of cool stuff!
Angie's Anime Palace: This is my old site. Go there if you are
really bored...
Unleashed: This is a link site.
Anime Hunters: Another link site.
Elfwood: An awesome site for those who want to see some fantasy artwork or
those who want to show off thier artwork.
Prince of Tennis: This is a much
better site than mine! if you want some actual Prince of Tennis fun go here!
(this site is mostly in German.)
Seigaku Rakuen: This
another awsome Prince of Tennis site which is also a whole lot betta than mine!
Nacholicious: This gurl is awsome! this
is by far the best site i have ever seen! you gotta go there!
Happy Gurl's Site: My
friends site! go check out her site! it has miscellaneous stuff in it.
Beagle Dogs Site: This gurl is awsome!
you have to go check out her site! it's so cool!
Pink Dolphins: If you love pink dolphins, it
is a must that you go here! |