Prince of tennis is about what?  An awesome tennis player of course!  The main character's name is Ryouma Echizen who is in 7th grade and is an amazing tennis player. this anime is basically about him and his tennis team and the stuff that they go through.

this is  my Brand new site dedicated to the wonderful anime PRINCE OF TENNIS!!!!  from what I can tell so far, there aren't very many websites on the prince of the tennis so I just had to make one for them to show my support!  right now I only have screen caps but if anyone has any pics they'd like to send me that would be awesome! 

If you want to make your own wonderful site for Prince of Tennis you can use my pics, but please give me some credit! even though i didn't draw any of the pics i did screen capture them and it took me a whole long time to figure out how so could ya please???  i'll link ya if you do! wouldn't that be special?

Also if anyone wants to see anything added to my site just e-mail me and if i don't have any homework I'll do my best to add what ever you want!